
Custom Furniture and Cabinets

From kitchen cabinets, to heirloom furniture, to simple picnic tables McDonald Furniture & Cabinet has you covered. We provide top-tier carpentry, woodworking, sawmill services and custom design to the Erie area, and beyond.

Bespoke Design

"Anything is possible with a belt sander and a positive attitude."

Some goober at a cabinet shop I worked in uttered these now infamous words in jest... might have been me, it's lost to history... But the sentiment rings true. If you can dream it, we can figure out a way to make it happen! We love a challenge!

Mobile Sawmill Services

Having some tree work done? Finally clearing that property to build your dream camp? Why turn it all into firewood? We can saw logs up to 24in diameter, and 18ft long. Let's find a better home for those logs than the woodstove!

Contact Form

What can we build for you?